RE052: British Railroad Track, 1888.
NEW JANUARY 2021. The first forty-four pages of this file consist of a paper read at the annual conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers in June 1888. It was presented by a certain E E Russell Tratman junior.
He gave it the title 'English Railroad Track', but since he includes the Great North of Scotland Railway and three Irish railways in his review we have called it 'British Railroad Track'.
He looks at how rails are tested over here, and what specifications we require for them. He then considers our fastenings (chairs), rail joints, cross-ties (sleepers), switches (points) and crossings. Next he looks at how individual railways do things - the Great Eastern gets half a page. He concludes with an appendix on the costs incurred, and another on how we treat our ties (sleepers). Finally come eight large fold-out drawings: the GER is represented by a set of points and by an enlargement of their crossing/frog.
As a bonus, a second paper from the same conference follows. This one is on the maintenance and cost of track in Europe using metal sleepers. It was given by J W Post, Permanent Way Engineer of the Netherland State Railroad Company, who were carrying out such experiments so naturally most of the examples come from there. This was followed by a discussion.
The file has been supplied thanks to Bill King. It is word-searchable and has bookmarks. It will be available to download as soon as payment has been made. You go to your account and click on ‘Downloads’. New customers create an account as they place their order.
File | |
Pages | 57 |
File Size (MB) | 4.3 |
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