For enthusiasts, researchers and modellers of the Great Eastern Railway

Sales News

I notice to my dismay that Adobe have just brought out a new ‘improved’ edition of Acrobat Reader, totally different from all its predecessors.  I say dismay because if a purchaser follows our advice and gets the latest Acrobat Reader, that renders all my detailed guidance notes supplied with each DVD obsolete.

I found this new version hard to use.  For quite a while I was stuck.  Not a single one of the prominent buttons did anything I was likely ever to need.  For basic tasks such as proceeding to the next page of the file or changing its magnification, there seemed to be nothing provided.

Eventually I discovered those controls, just visible and squeezed in to a narrow vertical column on the far right, as if a kind of afterthought.  Even now I find them awkward to use, with the zoom in particular far from intuitive.

I looked at an on-line blog discussing the new Acrobat Reader, and was not surprised to find that, almost without exception, the verdict was very strongly negative.  My hope is that Adobe will take all this on board, and return to the classic version.

Meanwhile, if like me you find the new version inconvenient to use, there is hope.  Click on the menu button – this is at the top left, marked with three horizontal lines above one another.  About three-quarters of the way down a long list you will see ‘Disable new Acrobat Reader’.  Pick that and to your relief you get returned to the classic version permanently.  (In the unlikely event that you later change your mind, in the classic version go to View / Enable New Acrobat Reader.)

Ian Strugnell's final minutes summaries, covering the GER Traffic Committee from 1915 to 1922, have been in File MN026 since February 2020.  It has just occurred to me that the corresponding printed Information Sheets have not yet been offered at a meeting.

I will have those at Ipswich, therefore.  There are three such sheets, M527 to M529, priced at £2.00 each.  As an introductory offer, you will be able to buy all three for £5.00.

Too late to advertise in the last News (i.e., finished today!), a new CD will also be on sale at the meeting.  It contains scans of the monthly Journal of the Locomotive Club, in a continuous sequence from December 1906 to October 1911.  The price is £5.00, but you may well prefer to download the same set of files for just £4.00 in the Files Emporium.  You can read all about it HERE.

Bernard Walsh's 8 mm films are now up and running in the Files Emporium.  They are offered in a choice of three different packages: a direct download of just the digital files (HERE); a download of the whole lot, including the video player ones (HERE); and of course a double DVD set (HERE).

Digitised versions of Peter Kay's out-of-print books on the LT&SR are now available in the Files Emporium. There are five of them.  They fetch high prices in second-hand bookshops, and we hope what we have done will make them more accessible to more people. 

Credit is due to Peter for so willingly agreeing that we may do this.  Credit is also due to Bill King for arranging it and doing all the scanning.

It should be said that copright in the material they contain remains with Peter.

They form the main part of a new Section LTS.  For the convenience of browsers, other files which relate to the LT&SR, at least in part, are also all displayed together there.

You can find Section LTS of the Files Emporium HERE.


My apologies that I haven't been able to provide this information sooner, but I have been a bit busier than usual and the situation has only been finalised in the last couple of days.


The entry in the recent GE News remains broadly accurate.

When I wrote my previous article, updating what I had put in the latest News, I took it for granted that you would be able to read that first.  Currently News 176 has been languishing somewhere in our postal system for the past week or two, however, so here is what it said.

As far as new items at the Cambridge meeting are concerned, my predictions in News 176 have proved accurate, with one exception - there is one further year of the minutes summaries available.

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