RH022 W. H. Smith and Son in 1892
NEW JUNE 2013. An article taken from the August 1892 edition of the English Illustrated Magazine (published monthly by Macmillan & Co from 1883 to 1913). It was written by W. M. Acworth, a well-known railway writer of the time - the GER chapter from his 1889 book The Railways of England is available as File RH009.
Here he starts with three pages outlining the early history of the firm since its founding in around 1821. He then goes into five pages giving full details of how in 1892 they ran their business distributing newspapers and periodicals from their headquarters in the Strand, at London termini and on trains (contrasting their service with what the post office could offer). W. H. Smith by then had an effective monopoly of bookstalls on stations in England and Wales (apart from on the Metropolitan Railway), and the final four pages relate to them - to their organisation, and to the bookselling and the national library service they provided.
The original text has been re-set in more modern font and is complete. The illustrations have all been scanned and inserted, often at more appropriate points in the narrative.
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GNR GCR? Great Northern Railway.? Great Central Railway.? GN&GE? Freight
Cartage. Great Northern Railway. Great Central Railway. Goods.
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Also available on paper | M442 |
Also part of CD/DVD bundle | 90s.CD (in Section RH) |
Pages | 14 |
File Size (MB) | 3.8 |