LM053: Wagons for exceptional loads, LNER 1929.
NEW AUGUST 2020. This is an article from the July 1929 edition of the magazine The Railway Engineer.
It considers a 20-ton pulley or wheel wagon, a 54-ton well wagon (both with two 4-heel bogies) and an 81-ton well wagon (with two 6-wheel bogies). A brief description of each is accompanied by quite a large photograph and some scale drawings with dimensions given.
It also describes a 110-ton monster, whose capacity could be increased to 150 tons 'by appilcation of cantilever principle' - meaning that the load is then extended beyond both ends, with further wheels to carry some of the weight. The article has a small drawing but no photograph of that. The Railway Magazine for October 1929 does, however. An extra page has been added, therefore, to show that.
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