Just in time before the half-yearly meeting!
Journal 165 has now been distributed. The August Bank Holiday photo on the cover seems rather timely!
News 167 has now been distributed.
Journal 164 has now been distributed, with apologies for the extended period since the last issue. If any member would like to assist with the Journal production, this should help speed up production.
News 166 is now being sent out.
Both of the above magazines have now been distributed.
Journal 162 has now been distributed (26/11). The editorial team apologise for the washed-out hue of some of the photographs and are discussing the matter with the printers.
News 164 has now been distributed, giving details of the half-yearly meeting at Norwich.
GE New 163 has now been distributed.
Journals 160 and 161 have now been distributed. The editorial team hope you enjoy this bumper distribution of new reading and invite you to vote in the Harry Jones award for the Journals relating to calendar year 2014.
More Articles …
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