The 50th AGM of the GERS will be held on Saturday 18th March 2023. We hope as many members as possible will attend for the full day’s events and activities.
The Meeting will take place at the Adult Community Learning Centre, Bishops Hill, Poplar Drive, off Rayleigh Road, Hutton, nr. Shenfield, CM13 1BD. Please bring with you any food required as there is nothing available onsite (except drinks, biscuits).
Any member requiring a display or sales table, please contact the Secretary on 07939 567838 or
08:00 Access to hall for setting up.
09:30 Stands open; time to buy GERS sales items, books, magazines, videos and ephemera. Raffle tickets on sale.
10:30 Our Chairman opens the meeting, followed by:
A talk from the first of our speakers.
11:15 A talk from the second of our speakers.
12:00 Lunch interval, at which teas and coffees (biscuits optional) will be available.
13:15 Society Announcements.
Presentation of the Harry Jones Award.
13:30 Extraordinary General Meeting to present and vote on the revised Constitution:
1. Introduction to the new revised Constitution.
2. Vote on Adoption of revised and updated Constitution.
The 50th Annual General Meeting:
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the 2022 AGM held on 19th March 2022.
3. Matters arising.
4. Secretary’s Report.
5. Treasurer’s Report.
6. Chairman’s Statement.
7. Election of Officers.
8. Election of Executive Committee.
9. Appointment of Independent Examiner.
10. Any Other Business, at the discretion of the Chair.
Following the formal business our President, John Watling, will make a statement.
14:00 A talk from the third of our speakers.
14:45 Afternoon refreshment break. Raffle draw.
15:15 A talk from the fourth of our speakers.
16:00 Final circulation.
17:00 Meeting closes.
Tea, coffee & biscuits will be available free of charge during the day and Barry Jackson will be selling and taking orders for items from the GERS Sales List.
Getting There
Engineering work means rail services on the Liverpool St line are disrupted that weekend .
The Adult Community Learning building is off of the Rayleigh Road, Hutton: turn into Poplar Drive and then immediately left again into the Centre car park which is large, close, and free, with level access into the hall.
Walking (from Shenfield, 0.5m): The Co-Op at the station may be useful to obtain sandwiches. Turn right out of the Station, under the railway bridge, then up Rayleigh Road past the Hutton Junction Pub. Do not turn left at the mini roundabout. You will find the College on the left, just before traffic lights.
Train : The nearest railway station is Shenfield with a 10-15 minute walk to the venue. There is no longer a direct bus service to the venue on Saturdays.