For enthusiasts, researchers and modellers of the Great Eastern Railway

2022 Annual General Meeting

2022 Annual General Meeting


THE 49th Annual General Meeting of the GERS will be held on Saturday 19th March 2022 in the Bishop’s Hill Adult Community College, Rayleigh Road, Hutton, Essex CM13 1BD.

The planned programme (subject to confirmation) is as follows:

09.00 Hall opens for setting up.

09.30 Meeting opens. Time to buy your raffle tickets, GERS sales items, secondhand books/ videos etc.

10.25 Our Chairman opens the meeting.

10.30 Presentation by Steve Beamon with Part 2 of his history of Railway Policemen.

12.00 Lunch break. Sales stands open. Buy your raffle tickets.

13.00 Society announcements followed by the presentation of the Harry Jones Award and the 49 th AGM.


1. Apologies for absence.

2. Minutes of the 48th AGM held on 20th March 2021.

3. Matters arising.

4. Secretary’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report.

6. Chairman’s Statement.

7. Election of Officers.

8. Election of Executive Committee.

9. Appointment of Independent Examiner.

10. The GERS Constitution

11. Any Other Business at the discretion of the Chairman.

13.45 Our President addresses the throng.

13.55 Presentation by Rodger Green on “Bidder, Brassey and Bruff and their connection with the Epping Ongar Railway”.

14.40 Refreshment Break.

15.05 Raffle draw.

15.15 Presentation by Chris Bell on “The Great Eastern Railway heritage of the Mid-Norfolk Railway”.

16.15 Final circulation and clearing up.

17.00 Last one out switches the lights off.




Liverpool Street dep. NONE

Shenfield arr.

There is major engineering works taking place and no TfL or GA trains are running. Passenger must travel by the Central Line to Newbury Park for a direct bus to Shenfield.

Norwich dep. 7. 00 8. 00

Ipswich dep. 7. 41 7. 59 8. 20 8. 41 8. 59

Colchester dep. 8. 01 8. 19 8. 39 9. 01 9. 19

Chelmsford dep. 8. 23 8. 47 9. 07 9. 23 9. 47

Shenfield arr. 8. 34 9. 01 9. 21 9. 34 10.01

There is no longer a direct bus service to the venue from Shenfield Station.

There is an easy 12-minute walk by turning right out of Shenfield Station, under the railway bridge and then walking up Rayleigh Road past the Hutton Junction Public House (do not turn left at the mini roundabout). You will see the College on the left-hand side.

To obtain sandwiches etc there is a Coop opposite Shenfield Station.

There is a Free Car Park right outside the venue.

Refreshments (tea/ coffee and biscuits will be supplied by Bishops Hill College (courtesy of the GERS) before the meeting and at both intervals at no charge to the members.


Any member who wishes to use a sales table, please contact Rodger Green There is a small charge for members selling items for their own profit.